Father’s, Grandfather’s and father figures are a major part of the equation in a child’s life. We need Dad’s and they should be acknowledged.
This Father’s Day will mark the second without my Dad. I lost him a year ago right before his birthday and Father’s Day. It’s been hard. He was the kindest, bighearted, hardworking, wonderful man to have as father. He was also a fellow introvert. I was blessed that he was brought into my life when I was just a toddler. He became my dad when I was two years old. He chose me to be his little girl. My little sister was born 2 years later. We were truly blessed to have had him in our lives for as long as we did.
In honor of all the Dads, Papas, Grandpas, Uncles, and other father figures who are the rocks in so many children’s lives, here are 5 traits that make these men sensational fathers.
Men are the pillars of their families. Their children need to learn from them. A true father will lead by example, teaching his sons how to be men and his daughters how they should be treated by men. Men should be protectors. They should love and respect their wife showing their children how sacred marriage is. Even if the marriage ends, Dads will continue to be that pillar for their children. Respect, dignity, and strength.
Dads who are embedded in their children’s lives make a world of difference. Quality time with kids is important for a healthy relationship. Kids really don’t care what they are doing with Dad, as long as Dad is there interacting with them. Whether it’s singing silly songs together in the car on a long drive, playing catch in the backyard, or wrestling on the living room floor, spending time with kids let’s them know they are a priority.
In addition to just spending time with their kids, Dads will also teach them. For example, the value of hard work. By working hard, a child will learn to appreciate the fruits of their labor. They will see that it is much sweeter to work hard for something than to be given it. In addition, there are things like fixing items around the house, working on cars, finances, bills, and any other advice that will help their children in their journey in becoming their own person.
Furthermore, a father is a supportive figure in their children’s lives. They are there to console when things go wrong. They teach their kids how to deal with conflict, disappointment, failure. By dealing with negative events in life in a positive way, children learn to pick themselves back up and try again. They learn not to give up but push harder. It allows them to build character, and a healthy mental view of life. Children will always know that Dad will be there to help pick them up, and keep them find their own strength.
Last but certainly not least, a father loves his children. He is a safe place for them; someone who will chase off nightmares, and monsters. He may discipline, but that’s to ensure his children have morals, values, and a stable foundation. A dad loves his kids as much as a mom, their jobs are just a little bit different and children need both.
There are many men in the world who step in and fill a role for those kids who don’t have a father figure, or they are an additional strong male figure in children’s lives. Uncles, God-fathers, family friends, step-fathers, foster fathers, adopted fathers and male teachers. Thank you to all those men who make difference. Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s and men who make the world a better place for kids.