The Thanksgiving Holiday is a time to reflect and be thankful. Should be easy, right? And yet, this can feel like quite the task, especially after a particularly rough year. We can find ourselves unable to look past the negatives that have happened. However, don’t fret! I’m going to help you find ways to be grateful this Thanksgiving Holiday.
What’s Important
Humans always try to make things more difficult than they should be. When looking for things to be thankful for, start out with what’s important. Here are some examples:
- Family – Be thankful for parents, siblings, children, grandparents, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, in-laws, aunts/uncles, cousins and anyone who is family even if not blood related.
- Friends – Having close friends is definitely something to be thankful for. Whether you have only a few or many, having friends you can laugh with, cry with and count on is priceless.
- Pets – our fur babies are such a blessing and assuredly something to be thankful for. They give us unconditional love and companionship.
Start Simple
The above are obviously some of the most important to be thankful for, however, there are so many things in this life that make it worth living. In addition, finding things to be thankful for should be easy, simple. All you have to do is look around you.
- Home – home is where the heart is. It doesn’t need to be a mansion. It’s a place where you are comfortable and safe.
- Hobbies – gardening, reading, hiking, or any other hobby that makes you happy is definitely something to be thankful for.
- Job – Jobs can be a source of great stress, and unhappiness. However, it also allows you to pay bills, be independent, and do things in life you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.
What you are thankful for should be a personal thing. Furthermore, you should be thankful for things that are meaningful to you. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just be sure to be thankful in your heart.
- Health – This seems obvious, but sometimes, we forget to be thankful until we experience something that may challenge our health. Even if you have experienced something, be thankful that you are getting through it, and overcoming it.
- Freedom – There are so many in the world who suffer from oppression, their lives dictated to, and controlled. Be thankful that you live in a place with freedom of religion, speech and rights.
- Experiences – I know this probably sounds a bit strange, but without a doubt, memories are built on experiences. For example, it could be a once in lifetime trip to Europe, a family trip to Disney, a trip to a national park or attending a concert to see your favorite band.
To sum it up, finding things to be thankful for doesn’t have to be difficult. Keep it simple, such as being thankful for a bright, sunny day or pleasantly warm temperatures on Thanksgiving day. Moreover, let your thankfulness be personal; cherish those around you and moments that make you happiness. Above all, have a truly blessed Thanksgiving Holiday, knowing that I am grateful for each and every one of you.