We have made it through another year. Whether your year met your expectations or was full of challenges, let’s start the New Year with positivity. There are things that we can do to take control of our upcoming year. Goals, not resolutions, should be created. Goals that are attainable, and that will give you a greater feeling of accomplishment than the same old resolutions. Here are four wonderful things to look forward to in 2025.
Saving Money
Saving money is always a good goal to set. Whether it’s for a vacation, a rainy day or a larger purchase, saving money is the right way to make your year better. And who wouldn’t look forward to a little more cushion in the bank account? It will also ensure that your debt doesn’t increase. However, if you are living paycheck to paycheck, it may seem like an impossible task. Don’t fret! Focus on the act, not the amount! By making saving a habit, you prepare to save more as your income grows.
Try this:
- Get yourself a cheap photo album at a one of the dollar retail stores. Make sure it has at least 52 picture slots so you are saving something for each week of the new year. Do not touch any of the slots once you put money in. This is key!
- Start out by putting $1 per week for the first month.
- The second month, put $2 per week. If you can’t swing $2 for a week, make sure you at least put $1.
- The third month, put $3 per week. Again, if you can’t swing $3, put in what you can as long as it’s at least $1.
- Continue with your savings, increasing the amount to save per week each month by $1. The catch is, never go below $1, and don’t skip a week.
- By the end of 2025, the lowest saved would be $52 and the highest would be $312! Either amount is a win!
- If you are able to, instead of $1, do $5 or $10. Once you establish what your minimum amount is, then determine what your increase per month will be. Make it realistic. If your minimum is $10, you can increase by $10s or by $5s or by $2. Do what feels comfortable, and also what is realistic for you and your budget.
- Finally, and this is the best part, repeat it every year! This is a “resolution” that you can celebrate a win with every year!
Better Health
Before you groan, because yes, this is probably one of the biggest New Year resolutions, let’s slow down and focus. Focusing on health, undoubtedly, is extremely important. Additionally, it does not just mean working out and losing weight. Also, sometimes, working out and losing weight are not done in such a way that improves your health. Let’s take a look at how you can set goals to focus on health for the 2025 year. Because being good health is a wonderful thing!
The most important advice I can give you, is make changes in small doses. There is nothing more important than taking baby steps when trying to make a big change in your life. Don’t make a goal, for example of losing 100 lbs in the new year. Consequently, life gets in the way and makes goals of this magnitude less achievable.
Try this: Diet
- Pick one item in your diet that you know is unhealthy and get rid of it.
- Soda is not a healthy drink option. Even if it’s diet. Make a healthy change by choosing to drink water instead, or cut back on the number of sodas. For example, allow yourself one soda a day and the rest of the day drink water. This will allow you to slowly ween yourself off. Subsequently, you will have an easier time giving it up all together at some point.
- Sweets are not good for us. They are empty calories and keep us addicted to sugar. Believe me, this is a hard one for me. I’m not saying you can’t ever have chocolate or a piece of cake once in a while, but by substituting a fruit for a chocolate bar, it will be easier to say no. In addition, you might find yourself losing a little weight!
- Add something to your diet that is currently missing.
- Many of us do not eat enough vegetables. If you are a person that doesn’t like veggies, make sure you are taking a multivitamin. However, make it goal to try a new veggie once a week or so. Get online and see how other people suggest eating that particular vegetable. Remember, if you don’t like it cooked, you may like it raw. Make an effort to find healthy food choices to try throughout the year.
Try this: Exercise
- Exercise is important, even though it’s probably the hardest thing to do
- I know my body needs to move to be healthy. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done. I suffer from chronic pain so exercise literally hurts. No pain no gain, right? Well it doesn’t have to be. Again, set a small goal. Set a reminder to get up and move every 1-2 hours. Even if it’s just to walk up and down your aisle, or around your floor. Or when you get home, do five minutes of some type of movement. Wall Pilates, chair yoga, lifting small weights, walking around the block, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, there are plenty of ways to add exercise time to your day in small way.
Mental Well-being
We can probably all agree that the last several years have been extremely stressful. Many of us deal with all kinds of stress from work, home, finances, etc. Unfortunately, many of us also suffer from mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and PTSD just to name a few. New Year goals should include mental well-being, as mental health can affect us in many ways. So what goals can be set for mental health so that 2025 can be a great year?
Try Meditation
- Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting cross-legged, with eyes closed, hands on knees mumbling “Oommm” with incense burning in the background. Meditation is really the ability to reflect thereby calming the mind, and the body. There are many ways to do this and you should be able to find a way to meditate that fits your style.
- Learning to breathe. This may sound silly, but it’s my go-to if I need to center myself, or get myself out of a panic attack. Being able to focus on just that one thing, will allow your body to focus, and calm itself. If you can’t find a nice quiet place, lock yourself in the bathroom. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose, as deep as your lungs allow. Hold it in for a count of 5. Blow that air out through your mouth. Repeat. Be mindful of how your breath sounds, and how your heart sounds during each stage. Repeat until you feel calmed.
- Learning to redirect your mind. Being able to shut your mind down at the end of the day can seem like a daunting task. Redirecting your thoughts is essential. One way to do this, might be to tighten (flex) your toes, while counting to five, concentrate on how your toes feel. Once you hit five, relax. Let your mind feel the tension leave your toes. Move up your body doing this till the last thing you tense is squeezing your eyes closed. Do not allow your thoughts to wander.
Try Journaling
Journaling can be more therapeutic than one might think. Even if you aren’t one who likes to write. The beauty is, no one reads it, except you. It’s a great way to get your thoughts out of your head.
- If you write your thoughts down, you give them a physical form. They are not just non-tangible words floating around in your mind. This physical form, actually, gives you power over them. You have them there, where you can deal with them. They are out in the open so to speak.
- Have you ever seen where someone will write down something and then tear that page out of the notebook, rip it up and burn it as a symbolic gesture? Surprisingly, it is a very freeing act. It allows you to force yourself to let go.
- Getting your thoughts out in the open allows you to figure out a pattern as well or if you want to share them with a therapist, gives them an insight to what is going on inside. Bottling things up is not healthy. So write, draw, create music or what ever other avenue will help you get your emotions out in the open.
Getting to know People
I am one of the biggest introverts there is. However, I have discovered that I do need people in my life. I’m not a big social butterfly, but I do have my crew. Being able to hang out with them is a blessing. They understand that I’m not one to go do things all the time, and they love me just the way I am. Then, of course, I have my family. They know my quirks, how I re-energize and what I enjoy. They all push me out of my comfort zone at times, but are always there so I don’t get overwhelmed. Thanks to them, I’ve had great experiences in life.
Try New Things with Family or Friends
- We all have things we would really like to do and others we would like to try but because we are introverts, we shy away. Make a promise to yourself for the new year and pick one thing you want to try that isn’t in your comfort zone. Is there a concert that one of your friends really wants to see? Take advantage and tell that friend you want to go with them.
- Before the concert, make sure you get plenty of down time. You don’t want to try something that you know will drain your batteries if you are already drained. Rest up and get yourself excited.
- Go through your routine but do not let yourself talk you out of going. Purchase tickets in advance, non-refundable if you have to, in order to push yourself to go. Trust me, it will be worth it to have that experience with your friend or family member.
- Give yourself plenty of time after to recover. Your battery will be on zero. It’s important to take the steps you need to recharge. This means alone time. Don’t feel bad for doing what you need to.
Try Volunteering
- Volunteering is a great way to give back without having to get too far outside your bubble. There are plenty of opportunities that are perfect for introverts. We can donate food, or clothes. We can pack food boxes, or backpacks with school supplies. Make an effort to get to know some people in your community, and give back if at all possible.
- See if a local nursing home needs someone to read books to the residents, or help with crafts, or just talk to someone who might not have any visitors. You can sit and listen to their life story, making them feel wanted and appreciated. We all need that.
- Volunteer at your local library or maybe find an elderly neighbor that might need someone to help with yard work.
- Contact your local United Way and see what opportunities may be out there that will allow you to get involved, meeting new people, providing a needed service, but not putting you in an uncomfortable environment.
In conclusion, to all of my loyal followers, and to those who may be new to my site, I wish you a very Happy, Safe New Year. May all of your ambitions, dreams and goals come to fruition this new year.