I want to welcome you, first of all. I, too, am an introvert. No question. This blog is the product of my inspiration to connect with fellow introverts in a fun, motivational, positive way! By focusing on the positive, I can counteract what we have to endure daily. We are constantly hit with negativity day in and day out. It is easy to get caught up in the downward spiral that it creates in our lives. It is hard enough to make our way through a world full of extroverts, let alone deal with all the craziness in today’s world. That’s why I decided to start this blog. I wanted a space for those of us who are comfortable with being alone, not having to chit chat, or be at social gatherings to be happy. I want to make sure you know that there are so many others out there who are just like you. So settle in, kick off your shoes, snuggle up, sip on that hot cup of coffee and dive into the how to’s from an introverts point of view and experience.
This blog will give you tips on things like how to handle annoying co-workers, how to find your niche in life, surviving high school social festivities, being an introvert mom with an extrovert child and the answer to questions like “Am I weird?”. It is possible to survive and thrive! It is possible to be you and be happy! I will be adding positive content as well; things that will make you laugh, smile and feel good about being you.
I will be adding content once a month at first. I also want to your input and feedback! What are topics that you would like to read about? What are situations that you would like tips for? Please subscribe to this blog and be sure to leave a comment on what you’d like to see in the future! I would love to hear from you!